black solar panel under red and gray clouds

Leading Solar Solutions

Providing innovative and sustainable solar energy solutions

Our Services

We offer a wide range of solar solutions to meet your energy needs

  1. Residential Solar Installation
  1. Commercial Solar Installation

From small homes to large businesses, we have the expertise to handle any solar installation project

solar panels on green grass field
solar panels on green grass field

Arien Energy Solutions offers its best services in the solar industry to its clients in various market segments. Arien Energy Solutions uses premium solar modules, inverters, controllers, and storage batteries to provide grid-connected, rooftop, off-grid, and building integrated PV systems, among other options.

Who can install Solar PV system with us?

We serve to various segments like:

  • Industrial sector

  • Commercial sector

  • Residential properties

  • Agricultural as well as Barren Lands

  • Ground-mounted PV Systems

Which type of Grid connection can you install with us?

  1. On-Grid Connection

In On-Grid type of connection you do not require battery storage to store energy generated from the solar power system. Instead the electricity goes directly to the public grid. Mostly in residential and commercial establishments On-Grid connections are installed.

  1. Off-Grid Connection

In this type of connection, a battery is required to store the electricity generated from the solar power system because the Off-Grid system is not connected with the public electricity grid. So, in this case enough battery capacity must be designed to store extra electricity generated and to use it in cases of power cuts and in winters when comparatively more energy is required.

  1. Hybrid

This type of connection involves both battery storage as well as grid connection to the public grid. In this case, if the solar energy stored in the battery is consumed completely then the energy from the grid connection can be used.

Solar Calculation Form

Start your project calculation and discover your savings potential

Whether you wish to save power costs in your homes and take advantage of Government subsidies or planning to install solar plant in your factories or shops, you are just a few steps away from evaluating your savings. Let us come together and reduce your electricity bills. Our solar experts will assist you from the day of order till your solar plant is setup.

Why solar?

Advantages of designing and constructing your solar rooftops as well as solar ground mountings with us:

  • Get a hassle-free and comprehensive solar system installation with us

  • All the necessary paperwork is handled by us very carefully.

  • Moreover: the installation of the solar system along with project commissioning takes only 1-3 months on average from the moment of your order.

The Future of Renewable Energy is Bright.

With the central government's vision for sustainable development and innovation in the energy sector, the energy world has changed with the rapid adoption of renewable energy sources in India, and solar energy is one of the main sources of renewable energy.

Arien Energy Solutions strives to leverage industry expertise and strong relationships to deliver a valuable contribution to this green energy transition in India. Our organizational efforts are directly aligned with the goal of the Government.


  • A photovoltaic system works by the sun's energy hitting the photovoltaic cells. This results in the release of electrons and causes the generation of electric current.

  • The direct current generated is converted into alternating current by the inverter.

  • This alternating current can either be used immediately to power household appliances or stored in batteries for later use.

Frequently asked questions

Will solar power save me money?

In the long run, solar energy can indeed save you money. Depending on the size of your system and the amount of energy used in your home, solar panels can greatly reduce or even completely eliminate your monthly electricity cost. Depending on the cost of electricity in your area, the average home can save anywhere from Rs. 10 lakhs to Rs. 30 lakhs over the course of a solar panel system's lifetime.

Is it possible for me to install solar on my roof?

You can install a rooftop solar system anywhere you have a rooftop because no one can stop you from doing so. A common feature of modern society is shared rooftop space if there is a provision, so even if you live in a high-rise, you should check in with local RWA. However, before deciding to install rooftop solar on your home, there are a few apparent things to think about

Area: The first thing you need to do is make sure you have enough space outside for solar panels to be installed. Additionally, the space must be large enough to accommodate the panels that are suggested for a system that meets your needs.

Consumption: Homes, businesses, and industries with high consumption levels benefit greatly from sunlight to generate electricity. The more electricity you use, the more cost-effective adopting solar is overall because of the savings on your bill. Let's attempt to provide an example to clarify this. For two residents in Ahmedabad's Bopal area, we used the Arien’s Solar Calculator. One has an electrical bill of Rs. 4000, while the other has a charge of Rs. 10,000. It was discovered that a client with a Rs. 4000 bill saves approximately Rs. 3900 on his electricity cost, whilst a resident with a Rs. 10000 bill saves Rs. 9900 and receives a return of 99%. It's also important to remember that smaller systems are harder to find and offer lower financial returns.

Net Metering: Net Metering laws vary from one region to another. While some DISCOMs handle applications more quickly than others, some do it more slowly. Before making the decision to go solar, it might not be a bad idea to discuss Net metering with your solar installer or DISCOM.

Approvals: Depending on the kind and size of your solar system, installing rooftop solar PV plants may require a NOC or approval from your DISCOM. Additionally, states like Gujarat, Rajasthan and Maharashtra have more relaxed permission requirements. Without a doubt, installing rooftop solar is a considerably quicker process in states like these.

Shading: It might not be the best location to install solar panels if your rooftop is significantly shaded by surrounding items. The Engineering & Design team can suggest some options if your rooftop receives a lot of shade, but there isn't a single, all-encompassing answer. As a result, you need to pay great attention to the shading. Advanced shading analysis tools and site assessment services are provided by Arien Energy Solutions.

What differentiates a multi-crystalline solar panel from a mono-crystalline solar panel?

When it comes to producing power from light, mono-crystalline solar panels are more efficient and require less space. For rooftop installations in homes and small businesses, solar cells are the perfect choice because they are long-lasting, aesthetically beautiful, and durable.

Multi-crystalline solar panels are the most economical and flexible alternative; they are also easier to manufacture. This kind of panel is appropriate for both on- and off-grid applications, as well as household and larger-scale installations. It comes in a variety of sizes and colours.

What is the difference between on-grid and off-grid solar?

On-Grid solar systems store any extra energy produced by the solar panels for later use by connecting to the power grid and using it as a battery. Usually, these systems don't need battery storage, and any extra energy the panels produce can be sold back to the grid in exchange for a credit toward the customer's utility bill. On-Grid systems, however, are not powered during blackouts.

Conversely, off-grid solar systems rely on battery storage to supply electricity when the sun doesn't shine. They are not connected to the power grid. For these systems to guarantee that they have enough power to endure during times of low sunlight, a larger investment in battery storage is necessary. In isolated locations where grid power is either unavailable or too costly to build, off-grid systems are perfect.

Because On-Grid solar systems require fewer components and less battery storage than off-grid systems, they are typically less expensive than off-grid solar systems. To be feasible, off-grid systems need higher upfront expenses for extra equipment, such as costly battery packs. Off-grid systems, however, might be more affordable in isolated locations where grid connection would be costly.

How can I contact you?

You can reach us by +91 9898300462. We are always happy to answer your questions.

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+91 9898300462